State & Land

Mars & States

After humans successfully migrated to Mars, the Mars Federation (USM) was established and Mars was divided into multiple states. Each state divided a different amount of land according to the size of the terrain. The USM Mars Federation can accommodate 116 states, and a total of 1,000,100 A piece of land can accommodate tens of millions of residents living in it at the same time.

New California State and Kiss-up State are currently open. There are 22,222 private lands in New California State and 33,333 private lands in Kiss-up State. In the future, we will gradually open more states as planned to meet different application scenarios.


Land is the most important and valuable resource in USM. Issued as a non-fungible token (NFT), land parcels can be owned, traded, built, generated, rented out.

The land unit in USM is: Parcel, 1 Parcel represents a 20 x 20 piece of land (excluding airspace and underground territory)

Land is divided into public land and private land.

Public Land

  • Contains natural landscapes, environments, and landmark buildings, which cannot be traded or sold.

  • Public lands may be used for public welfare and activities.

Private Land

  • Private land It is land that can be traded and sold. It is divided into five grades: N, R, SR, SSR, and SSSR. Different grades of land have different land sizes, geographical locations, commercial and economic values.

  • Private land can be used for construction, production, and lease, depending on the choice of the land owner.

  • The total supply of private land is 1,000,100 blocks, and the rarity of USM Land is composed as follows:




1 Parcel



2 Parcel



4 Parcel



8 Parcel



25 Parcel

Last updated